Friday 13 January 2012

Friday the Thirteenth

Dear Bishop, what significance, if any, does Friday the 13th hold for you? Many thanks and God Bless. Pauline Wright

In order of the day's importance for me, the Last Supper, a momentous historical moment for all Christians, witnessed a total of thirteen in attendance including, of course, Judas Iscariot whose betrayal led to Jesus Christ's act of Sacrifice in His crucifixion. Tradition says that Judas was the thirteenth to sit at the table and the first to leave. The day of the Crucifixion was a Friday. Some believe it to have been Friday the thirteenth.

The founding of our religious order — Ordo Sancti Graal — was on Good Friday, April 1973, which happened to be Friday the thirteenth.

My television debut forty-seven and a half years ago was on a programme called "Today" (Thames Television) that was transmitted on Friday the thirteenth. The largest public reaction and indeed pursuit of what is commonly known as a wampyr, vampir, vampyre, or vampire took place at Highgate Cemetery on Friday the thirteenth of March 1970. Numerous propitious occasions have fallen on that date; so have those that would be considered nebulous, even dark. Hence I do not view the date of itself as being unlucky.

At least, not for me.

There is good and bad to be remembered for Friday the thirteenth, like many days. I do concede, however, that the light and dark is perhaps more intense.

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