I have recently read numerous reports about the Highgate case and have discovered your very interesting blogs and the Vampire Research Society. I would be very interested in learning more about this and perhaps - after due consideration - obtain membership in the Society. Perhaps you could tell me something about the requirements, I believe reading somewhere that "membership is by invitation only"? I wish to add that I am not just some "Twilight" fan but someone who has a serious interest in occult matters and has explored demonology, vampirism and similar topics for some years. I am currently studying theology at university and am firmly rooted within the Catholic tradition. — Patrick Hofer
Prospective candidates, in normal circumstances, are approached by an existing member with an invitation. The candidate then tenders a written application and at a later stage is vetted by at least three executive members in person, ie face to face.
The VRS is pro-active and is not a club for those to share their interest in the genre. The kind of work the society does is self-evident from its title. Pro-active means operative vampirology/demonology as distinct from speculative vampirology/demonology. Due to the sensitive nature of the subject under scrutiny it has proved more efficacious to operate with stringent security measures in place so that privacy can be established and maintained at all times. Concerning its investigations post-Highgate, the VRS does not co-operate in any way with the media and certainly does not make disclosures to the press. This enables folk to have confidence in sharing their experiences and knowledge without fear of their privacy being violated.
Membership of the research society, founded on 2 February 1970, remains strictly by invitation. Nothing said by strangers or anyone else wishing to gain entry is taken at face value or will circumvent this rule.
This procedure became necessary to avoid the inevitable time-wasters and others of more dubious intent, eg infiltrating journalists believing a sensational and thus lucrative story might be in the offing. Despite numerous attempts having been made, none have so far managed to compromise the integrity of the research society which these days enjoys relative obscurity.